Format: et-post-format-audio

SSP8 – Family: York Peppermint Patty

We were in such a bad place financially that for years all we could afford for birthday cake was a simple York Peppermint Patty.  We still have this birthday cake today to remind us where we came from.  What’s your York Peppermint Patty? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP7 – Farm: You’ve Got Weeds

Weeds have overtaken the garden here in late summer at EIEIO.  Weeds are the natural state of things both in the garden and in our mind.  In order for us to protect against the weeds growing, we have to constantly tend to the garden and to our minds.  Books, podcasts, conferences, and who we hang out with are the best way to tend to the field of our mind. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP6 – Financial Freedom: Tortoise and the Hare

I always wanted to be the Hare when I was growing up and receive all the accolades for speed.  Being the Hare is completely overrated. It’s about building slow, lasting success.  In my case, it took 13 years to achieve that “overnight success.” Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP5 – Farm: Planting Onions In August

Pretty tired of the garden at this point as I’ve been at it since early spring.  With the weeds having taken over and the harvest close to over, the last thing I really want to do is start thinking about planting and the entire planting process again.  Regardless, I’m working through the mental process to get onions planted for the spring. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP4 – Financial Freedom: Compete With Self

Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, just compete with yourself everyday.  Use the successes of those around you as motivation, but don’t compare yourself to them as you don’t know them and their situation.  Challenge yourself and get busy. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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