Format: et-post-format-audio

SSP24 – Financial Freedom: Muscle Memory

Muscle memory is key to learning to play a guitar or any instrument and it’s equally as important in business and life.  Most of us never “practice” enough to get out of the zone where we’re uncomfortable to the comfort zone.  Developing that muscle memory which leads to a comfort zone takes lots and lots of time, repetition, and practice.   Where do you need to work on building up your muscle memory? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP23 – Farm: Chicken Fail!

We thought we were on track to have 20+ layers back at EIEO after putting them outside for the first time.  Unfortunately, something had other plans. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP22 – Faith: Nothing Grows On The Mountain Top

It’s my belief that we don’t learn much when we’re at the peaks or mountaintops of our lives and that God sometimes needs to lead us into valley experiences to get us to where we can learn.  A huge financial valley experience after my time in the Air Force prepared us for the successes that we’re experiencing now as we lead today. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP21 – Farm: The Garden Planogram

Keeping a diagram or planogram of your garden each year is a huge help in garden planning and garden health. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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