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GSP7 – Growing Seed: Month 2 Podcast Progress Update

We’ve got our second month of the podcast in the can and big growth to report.  In this episode, I discuss the growth and some of the tips and factors that have led to the show’s expanding reach. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP29 – Farm: Chickens Off To Freezer Camp

We processed our 8-week old broilers with the help of some family members and now have a chest freezer full of chicken to last the next 6 months or so. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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GSP6 – Growing Seed: Sowing Seed Is Now An Amazon Alexa Briefing

Smart speakers like the Amazon Echo are the wave of the future as many strive to save more time and simplify basic daily tasks.  Amazon Alexa briefings are an incredible way to catch up with all the podcasts, news, weather, and sports that are important to you.  Simply add the Sowing Seed Podcast to your Amazon Alexa brief and say “Alexa, play my flash briefings.” Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP28 – Farm: Chicken Reboot! Broilers

After our layer failure earlier this fall, we decided to reset by raising some broiler chickens (meat birds) in order to fill our freezer with home-raised chicken. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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