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GSP12 – Growing Seed: We All Need To Think Like A Media Company

It’s easier than ever before to get the word out about your company or business with all the social media channels and technology tools that are available.  That said, it’s important to be strategic and think through how best to promote what you do.  It’s imperative to be predictable and continuously be in front of people as not just a business, but a media company. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP40 – Financial Freedom: What Do You Want? When Do You Want It? What Willing To Give Up To Get It?

Answering these three questions and keeping them in front of you always are an important part of long-term success in any endeavor. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP38 – Financial Freedom: Living Intentionally

Are you living with intentionality?  I discuss challenges I had with corporate priorities, hurricanes, and life in general that helped us get very intentional in our planning for our family. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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GSP11 – Growing Seed: The Power of Podcast Guest Interviews To Promote Your Business and Using Interview Valet

I started guesting on podcasts in 2015 to promote my school fundraising franchise, School Spirit Vending.  Sharing the SSV story on 100’s of shows has been our primary means of marketing.  Have you considered podcast interviews to promote your business?  My friend Tom Schwab’s company, Interview Valet, specializes in booking interviews in the podcast space. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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SSP39 – Financial Freedom: Why I Joined A Mastermind Group and Why You Should Too

I first read about the concept of a mastermind in Napoleon Hill’s book, The Master Key To Riches.  Years later I met Aaron Walker and his Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind groups gave me an opportunity to allow a mastermind of men make a major impact on my life.  If it can work for me, it can work for you as well. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts |...

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